Friday, June 29, 2012

A Cat's Prayer

Posted by Amaya Chika at 9:31 PM 0 comments


Although I am too proud to beg,
and may appear to be a very independent creature,
I ask for your loving care and attention.
I rely on you for my well being much more than you may realize.
This I promise you, my benefactor, that I will not be a burden on you
nor will I demand more of you than you care to give.
I will be a quiet peaceful island of serenity for you to gaze upon;
a soft soothing body to caress,
and I shall purr with pleasure to rest your weary ears.

Since I am a gourmet who appreciates different taste sensations,
I pray you will give me a variety of nutritious foods and fresh water daily.
You know dear friend, how I love to go.
Allow me, I pray, a warm sheltered place
where I can rest peacefully and feel secure.
If I am wounded in battle or suffering from disease,
please tend me gently, and see that I am treated
by loving and competent hands.
Please protect me from the inhuman humans
who would hurt and torture me for their own amusement.

I am accustomed to your gentle touch and am not always suspicious
nor swift enough to avoid such malicious acts.
In my later years when my senses fail me
and my infirmities become too great to bear,
allow me the comfort and dignity that I desire for my closing days
and help me gently in my pain or passing.
Hear this prayer, my dear friend, my fate depends on you.

*author unknown

Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Posted by Amaya Chika at 6:04 PM 0 comments

“Why was I so afraid of that vet?”

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Cat’s incredible journey in Siberia

Posted by Amaya Chika at 9:40 PM 0 comments

A cat from Russia’s Siberian Krasnoyarsk region has travelled more than 70 km looking for his masters, who’d moved to another town.
The animal did not take up the long journey in vain and he was finally reunited with his lost ‘family’.
They all used to live in the town of Divnogorsk, not far from Krasnoyarsk, but the family had to leave it to another town of Sosnovoborsk. In the rush nobody noticed the cat had gone missing.
“We were searching for him for quite a long time but we never found him,” says Sergey Minskikh. “The children were very unhappy. They loved the pet. He has been living with them for five years.”
To the family’s surprise and joy the cat appeared on the doorstep of their new apartment three months later, when everyone had lost any hope of seeing it again.
The poor animal was very skinny and looked worn out, but was apparently no less happy than his masters.
It has now become the talk of the town, receiving regular visits from the neighbors and friends of the Minskikh family. He enjoys the attention – without leaving the apartment, though.
Link from

Cat denied access to phone after committing hooligan acts

Posted by Amaya Chika at 9:32 PM 0 comments

One of the residents of the city of Veliky Novgorod in northwestern Russia has caught her cat in recurring acts of telephone hooliganism, after which the insidious animal’s activities were terminated.
The truth about how the cat, named Clasha, was amusing itself, came out only after an angry call from the city’s telephone service, Ria Novosti news agency says.
The operators told the stunned cat’s owner that somebody living in their apartment “had been dialing the number of the local emergency gas leak service and staying silent”, and added they were not going to tolerate “those telephone games” any more.
As the woman had no reason to doubt the service workers’ words, she asked herself a question – who was inside the apartment at the moment of “crime”.
And it appeared that only the cat had been.
The suspicion that Clasha could press telephone buttons with a paw soon confirmed, as the woman actually caught the animal in the very act of the crime.
Following the incident, the apartment dwellers decided to put the telephone beyond the reach of Clasha’s paws.
The cat though, switched over to another type of hooliganism, gnashing the unapproachable telephone cables instead.
The dwellers withdrew both the telephone and the cables.
It’s obvious that the cat has the next move.

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Don't Worry I am Here Always

Posted by Amaya Chika at 12:09 AM 0 comments

Saturday, June 23, 2012


Posted by Amaya Chika at 3:20 PM 0 comments

Friday, June 22, 2012


Posted by Amaya Chika at 8:40 PM 0 comments



Posted by Amaya Chika at 4:02 PM 0 comments

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Personality Differences Between Dog and Cat Owners

Posted by Amaya Chika at 8:58 PM 0 comments
Personality Differences Between Dog and Cat Owners


Posted by Amaya Chika at 8:58 PM 0 comments
When I was a little girl I have so many cat's in our house, 24 cats as far as I can remember.  I have to put them in a basket every time I go to school.  And as soon I got home I run at the back of our house to see if they are still inside the basket and I count them again one by one.


But before I got 24 cats, I only have one kitty cat named GLORIA.  She is a gray cat and I love her so much.  When Gloria had her 4 kittens it was that time that people kill cat's and eat them. Every time I saw stray cat's I adopt them because I am afraid people will kill them and eat them too. That is why I have so many cat's.

Yes, I am the owner of the 24 cat's and people are asking for permission to have my cats, they said they're going to pay me money.  And I said NO.  

Now, this a most complex legal issue, one that I am not qualified to discuss. I can only contribute an anecdote. In our place here in the Philippines, I passed through a market and I asked to look around. Dwarfish women in colorful folk dress were hawking exotic vegetables and baskets with small dogs, cats and other animals. Some people became excited and spent time choosing a cute fattened doggie. We stopped at a roadside hut where the dog was butchered and prepared and served with a big bowl of white rice. After politely refusing to join them, in a separate room, I was served rice with chicken. And I wonder why they eat dogs.  Then later cat's.

Personality Differences Between Dog and Cat Owners

Posted by Amaya Chika at 7:26 PM 0 comments

Virtually any discussion among pet owners is bound to reveal that there clearly are dog people and there are cat people. In some cases the depth of feeling for their chosen species can be quite intense. However, according to an Associated poll, there are a lot more dog people out there, since 74 percent of their test sample like dogs a lot, and only 41 percent like cats a lot.
The flip side of the coin is that some people seem to be quite exclusive in their preferences, liking either dogs or cats and loathing the other species. Apparently cats appear to be much easier to hate. Fifteen percent of the adults questioned said they disliked cats a lot while the number who said they disliked dogs a lot was only two percent.

There are sound reasons to suspect that the preference for dogs or catsdog and cat owners reflects some underlying human personality differences. Certainly the relationship between cats and humans has always been quite different than the relationship between dogs and people. This reflects the behaviors that both species have kept from their heritage prior to domestication. In the wild, cats are usually solitary hunters and often are active mostly at night. In contrast, wild canines are usually sociable pack animals that work in groups and are active between dawn and dusk. Our domestic dogs retain this need for social interaction to the degree that without a master and a family, a dog seems unhappy--almost lost. Dogs will intrude on a person's ongoing activity if they are feeling lonely and want some company or play. Cats, on the other hand, are often invisible during the day, seeming only to appear in the evening, especially if that is when they are fed. Cats will occasionally engage in social activities or play with people, but their interest is limited. Usually, after only a few minutes, the cats will abandon the game and wander away. Dogs on the other hand, will often engage in play, like fetching a thrown ball, for hours at a time, and it is usually the human that quits the game first.

Recently, Sam Gosling, a psychologist at the University of Texas in Austin and his graduate student Carson Sandy conducted a web-based study in which 4,565 individuals were asked whether they were dog people, cat people, neither or both. The same group was given a 44-item assessment that measured them on the so-called Big Five personality dimensions psychologists often use to study personalities.
      Gosling summarized his results saying, "There is a widely held cultural belief that the pet species -- dog or cat -- with which a person has the strongest affinity says something about the individual's personality, and this research suggests there are significant differences on major personality traits between dog people and cat people."
      Just on the basis of the nature of dogs being more sociable than cats, one might expect that the personalities of dog lovers would also reflect higher sociability. The results showed that dog people were generally about 15 percent more extroverted and 13 percent more agreeable, both of which dimensions are associated with social orientation. In addition to dog people were 11 percent more conscientious than cat people. Conscientiousness involves is a tendency to show self-discipline, to complete tasks and aim for achievement. The trait shows a preference for planned rather than spontaneous behavior.
       In comparison cat people were generally about 12 percent more neurotic, however they were also 11 percent more open than dog people. The openness trait involves a general appreciation for art, emotion, adventure, unusual ideas, imagination, curiosity, and variety of experience. People high on openness are more likely to hold unconventional beliefs while people with low scores on openness (dog people) tend to have more conventional, traditional interests.
     Gosling's recent study seems to confirm the findings of some research that I did for my book "Why We Love The Dogs We Do." I used a different personality measure, namely the Interpersonal Adjective Scale, because I was mainly interested in items reflecting social interactions and social tendencies. It gives scores on four scales, extroversion, dominance, trust and warmth (which is close to agreeing on Gosling's measure).
      My study involved 6,149 people, aged 16 to 94. I attempted to get as many dog owners as I could, so this group included 3,362 dog owners, but also, 1,223 people who only owned cats and 1,564 people that owned neither a cat nor a dog.
      My results showed that people who owned only cats seemed to be somewhat different than dog owners or people who owned both dogs and cats in terms of their personalities. People who own both dogs and cats seem to be much like people who own only dogs. You should keep this in mind, since from here on, at least for the purposes of this discussion, when I mention a cat owner I mean someone who lives only with a cat, while when I mention dog owners I will mean a person who owns a dog or both a dog and a cat.
      According to my data, cat owners were one third more likely to live alone than dog owners and twice as likely to live in an apartment or flat. Being married, living in a house, and having children living in the home, are all factors that are most likely for dog owners than cat owners. A single woman was the most likely individual to have a cat. Of the people who grew up in a house with cats as pets, 47 percent were likely to have cats today, while only 11 percent of people whose childhood years were spent in a house with a dog have only a cat as a pet.

      Turning to the personality profile of the person who owns only cats, we find a reasonable overlap with the Gosling's recent findings. To begin with we find we find that people who own only cats tend to be relatively introverted (low on extroversion) and also reasonably cool (low in warmth or agreeableness) which is the pattern confirmed by the more recent data.
      Looking at the other two measures we find that cat owners are relatively low in dominance. People who are high in dominance are generally described as being forceful, assertive, persistent, self-assured and self-confident. They are the people who stand out in social gatherings as opposed to people who are low in dominance that come across as being more timid, bashful, shy and unaggressive. The final dimension that I looked at was thrust, and cat owners appear to be fairly trusting. People high on this dimension are often described as obliging, modest, straightforward and "good sports." People low on this dimension can be more suspicious and manipulative.
      The general pattern that comes out of both studies is that dog owners are more social, interactive and accepting and cat owners (who own cats exclusively) are more introverted, self-contained and less sociable.

     Perhaps one of the most telling differences between dog and cat owners is illustrated by a single comparison. I asked people who own only cats "If you had adequate living space and there were no objections from other people in your life, and someone gave you a puppy as a gift, would you keep it?" The answer to this was compared to what I got when I asked people who own only dogs the same question about a kitten. More than two thirds of the cat owners (68 percent) said that they would not accept a dog as a pet, while almost the same number of dog owners (70 percent) said that they would admit the cat into their household. This suggests that most people who own only a dog or potentially dog and cat owners, while most people who own only a cat are exclusively cat owners.
     Stanley Coren is the author of many books including: The Modern Dog, Why Do Dogs Have Wet Noses? The Pawprints of History, How Dogs Think, How To Speak Dog, Why We Love the Dogs We Do, What Do Dogs Know? The Intelligence of Dogs, Why Does My Dog Act That Way? Understanding Dogs for Dummies, Sleep Thieves, The Left-hander Syndrome

Link from psychologytoday


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